Monday, September 1, 2014

Our August in photos

This month, Ivelina met lots of new extended family members at a family cookout. She had the exciting experience of meeting my cousin who is a fire fighter. Ivelina loved watching her dress in her turn out gear.

She giggled and wanted my cousin to put on every single piece of equipment. Then she asked her to turn around so she could see he from all angles. 

This month we met my friend and her kids for some fun time by the creek. Ivelina was NOT up for the cold creek water, the slippery rocks, and the tree roots which she insisted were snakes, but she did like eating watermelon and spending time with new friends.

Ivelina got to meet and touch her first horse this month as well.

We've had a huge bin of Barbie stuff since before Ivelina arrived home, but we just now showed it to her this month. She loved the Barbies and now wants to play with them every day. We did have to limit her to playing with a small number of the dolls at a time. Too much Barbie overload for her!

Ivelina went on her first hike in August. It's a short walk up and down man-made steps and through the woods to get to a beautiful waterfall. She saw a lizard and a snake along the way!

Me and Ivelina with our feet in the cold water. She was nervous but did venture out ankle deep in the water.

Of course this month we started home school Pre-K with Ivie. It has had its ups and downs, but overall she is enjoying herself and learning a lot. She looks so grown up to me in this photo.  Wow!

That's our August in photos!  It was a good month full of lots of firsts for Ivelina and us. We again are so thankful that we were able to bring her home during the summer months so that we could get her outside and involved in as many fun outdoor activities as possible. As the fall approaches, I am SO excited to see her experience some of the fun, seasonal things we have planned.

Ivelina has her ups and downs daily, but overall she is doing well. I wouldn't say she is completely attached to us yet, but the attachment process can be a slow, long process, especially for a child who lived institutional life for eight years. We are proud of the progress she is making! When we see her today and remember how she was during gotcha week or even in January when we first met her, we are truly blown away! Thanks to God for giving us this sweet girl to be a part of our family!

Thanks for reading,

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